MailMail 和 Brevo 的全面比较


您是否曾在数字营销方面遇到过瓶颈,并想知道下一步该怎么走?在这个十字路口,重新评估和升级您的电子邮件营销策略至关重要。探索 MailMail 和 Brevo 等工具可能会改变游戏规则。在我们对这两个平台进行详细比较后,您将发现哪一个最能重新点燃您的业务增长。

深入分析 MailMail:特点和功能

MailMail offers dynamic personalisation, precise segmentation, and cost-efficiency, making it the preferred choice for effective email marketing. Be a game-changer by adopting the multiple templates available for each campaign, or even customise them according to your preferences!

使用 MailMail,您可以在单个活动中生成多个电子邮件通讯,并为每个活动设置循环日程,从而提高效率。通过我们的活动日程安排指南,了解如何使用 MailMail 最大限度地提高活动效率。

Brevo 的主要产品

Brevo distinguishes itself with a user-friendly drag-and-drop email editor and reliable delivery to customers' inboxes, making it ideal for those seeking straightforward email marketing solutions. It also offers the advantage of unlimited contact storage without extra costs, as its plans are based on email sending volume, not contact count. While Brevo may lack the advanced personalisation of MailMail, it remains an efficient and cost-effective choice for basic email marketing needs, with lowest plans starting from just $25 per month.

MailMail 与 Brevo:并排比较

We included an interactive table showcasing the comprehensive qualities of each platform for easier reference!

For those who just want a quick read for the eyes, here's the non-animated version of the comparison table!

* Up to 20,000 emails per month.** Cost per email based on 10,000 emails per month.
Free Plan1000 emails / mo300 emails / day
Lowest Cost Plan$15 / mo$25 / mo
Cost Per 10,000 Email$25 / mo$25 / mo
Cost Per Email **$0.0025$0.0025
Maximum Number of Emails Per Month1 million emails / mo1 million emails / mo
Email Leads Generation
HTML Builder
Drag & Drop Builder
Email Cleaner Tool
Multiple Templates Per Campaign
CAN-SPAM Act Compliance

MailMail 超越 Brevo 的独特优势

与 Brevo 不同,使用 MailMail,您甚至可以创建一个黑名单,列出您最不希望收到邮件的人。该功能可让您控制收件人列表,从而提高电子邮件营销的精确度、参与度和合规性。通过排除不活跃或不感兴趣的订阅者,它可以帮助您维护一个干净、参与度高的电子邮件列表,并确保不会向要求不接收电子邮件的人发送电子邮件。

利用 MailMail 最大化活动影响力

MailMail stands as the preferred solution for professionals seeking to improve their email marketing campaigns. Its suite of advanced tools ensures better engagement and efficiency, contributing to business growth. Many marketers have chosen MailMail for its effectiveness, distinguishing it from alternatives like Brevo. Upgrade your email campaigns with MailMail now!

