Email Campaign Guide

Welcome to the official MailMail guide for email campaigns!

Discover how to set up and optimize email campaigns, from building targeted email lists to automating delivery using our powerful email marketing tools. Master email campaigns with MailMail to elevate your results effortlessly.


Starting without an email list? MagicSend makes it easy to send your email campaigns to a targeted audience using search phrases like 'coffee in Brazil.' Build email lists, automate delivery, and jumpstart your email marketing with ease.


Take control of your email campaigns with Scheduler. Send emails to thousands, automate delivery, and set schedules to repeat campaigns as often as needed. Easily attach photos or documents to create engaging, targeted email marketing campaigns.

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Illustration of online shopping and delivery, representing the Scheduler for automating email campaigns.


Manage your email campaigns effortlessly in one place! View scheduled campaigns, pause or edit them, set campaigns to repeat, or update your recipient list. Optimize your email marketing strategy with these powerful tools.

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Illustration of people building or renovating a blocky house, representing campaign management.


Want to create stunning email templates? Try our intuitive email builder! Drag and drop text, images, and other elements to design professional emails that stand out. Choose from a variety of pre-designed email templates to save time and elevate your email marketing campaigns.

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Illustration of people selecting items, representing the process of designing email templates for marketing campaign.


Access all your saved email templates in one place. Create dynamic templates to personalize your emails for each recipient, making your email campaigns more engaging and effective. Take your email marketing to the next level with customization options.

Let's begin

Illustration of a person with a basket, representing the process of managing email designs and layouts.


Organize all your email recipients in one place, from subscribers to unsubscribers, and even a blacklist for those you prefer not to contact. Manage your email lists effortlessly to keep your campaigns targeted and effective.

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Illustration of a person using social media, representing the process of managing subscribers and recipients.


Add more value to your emails with attachments! Upload images and documents in popular formats like JPEG, PNG, and PDF. Keep everything organized by creating folders for your attachments, ensuring smooth management of your email campaigns.

Let's start

Illustration of two people reading a book, symbolizing the Attachments feature to improve email campaigns.


Boost your email campaigns with seamless integrations. Use Autoscrape, our powerful tool, to find new recipients and grow your subscriber list effortlessly. Add webhooks to your website to capture leads and expand your audience.

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Illustration of people using a giant magnifying glass, symbolizing the Integration feature to refine email campaigns.


Have questions we haven't answered yet? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page for detailed answers about our email campaigns, tools, and features.

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Illustration of people in a park with large question and exclamation marks, representing the FAQs section.